Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Roman Catholic Marian society founded in 1563 by a young Belgian Jesuit, Jean Leunis, at the Roman College of the Society of Jesus. We are a religious body which aims at fostering in its members an ardent devotion, reverence, and filial love towards the Blessed Virgin Mary, and through this devotion and the protection of so good a Mother, it seeks to make the faithful, gathered together under her name, good Catholics sincerely bent on sactifying themselves, each in his or her own state of life, and zealous, as far as their condition in life permits, to save and sactify their neighbor and to defent the Church of Jesus Christ against the attacks of hte wicket (from Article I of the Common Rules for Sodalities of Our Lady).
We meet on the 4th Thursday of the month at 2PM in the Education Building at St. Michael Parish for prayer, a business meeting, and fellowship. In addition to prayer and devotion, we coordinate various charitable contributions to area charities and organizations throughout the year. All are invited.